Flag Registration Services
OSPL provides flag registration services for shipowners including yacht owners, shipbrokers, builders, ship managers and legal advisers who wish to register commercial ships and pleasure boats under various flags.
Why Flag Registration?
Also known as vessel registration, flag registration is the documentation and nationality registry process for vessels. In order for a vessel to travel in international waters, it would require a nationality as proof of ownership of the vessel.
The country in which the vessel is registered under, known as the flag state, has regulatory control over the vessel. The flag state is required to conduct regular inspections, certify the ship’s equipment and crew, as well as issue safety and pollution prevention guidelines. There are different types of registry: Traditional Registry is only open to ships from its own nation, while Open Registries are open to foreign-owned ships.
How We Can Help
At OSPL, we offer various ship registries to best accommodate our client’s commercial commitments.
Benefits of flagging with one of our ship registries:
24-hour support services globally
No bureaucratic paper work: Simple and straightforward processes
No restrictions on ownership nationality
No restrictions on crew nationality
No income or capital gains tax
Personalized services to meet ship operator needs
Local deputy registrars for quick processing
Flag Registration Agents
a. Tanzania Zanzibar International Register of Shipping
The Zanzibar Maritime Authority was established under Act No.3 of 2009 of the House of Representatives and charged with the responsibility of monitoring, regulating and coordinating activities in the maritime industry in Zanzibar and assigned responsibilities to administer the Maritime Transport Act no.5 of 2006.
As part of our safety and environmental responsibilities, we promptly investigate maritime casualties such as loss of lives resulting from overloading on boats, collision etc and take the appropriate actions. In partnership with other public agencies and institutions, we ensure the prevention of marine source pollution and protection of the marine environment.
b. Sierra Leone Maritime Administration
The International Office of Sierra Leone Maritime Administration operates and governs a high-quality flag registry in accordance with the Sierra Leone Merchant Shipping Act 2003. It conducts strict vessels registrations and seafarers certification with the objectives of ensuring sea safety and protection of the marine environment.
Advantages of registering with Sierra Leone Maritime Administration:
Straightforward and easy registration procedure
Compliant with IMO conventions
Innovative online tracking system that monitors registered vessels
In collaboration with multiple international organizations which can issue the statutory certification
c. Panama Maritime Administration
The Panama Maritime Administration provides services to nation and international maritime industry with high standards and a framework of transparency through competent human resources. It is also a world leader in ship registration services.
With multiple international offices, statutory surveyor and Flag State inspector locations and technical support offices, The Panama Maritime Administration is a global and convenient choice for ship owners.
Let us help you register your vessels through our network of industry partners.
Pros of registering with the Panama:
Strongly efficient customer service with a global technical support network
Proactive participation in the IMO conventions
24-hour emergency support
d. International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize
IMMARBE, under the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment of Belize, manages maritime flag administration for the government. Governed by the Merchant Ships (Registration) Act, Chapter 236, Revised Edition 2020, IMMARBE adheres to international maritime regulations set by the IMO.
Its head office in Belize City handles registration, technical, and seafarer services, with additional offices worldwide to process registration and issue documentation. The Regional Office in Spain provides ongoing technical support to vessel owners, operators, and related stakeholders.
IMMARBE ensures high service standards, with stringent safety inspections, monitoring campaigns, and audits to maintain a reputable open registry and quality flag.